17 January 2025
Yo, ho, ho, fellow pirate lovers! It’s time to meet another member of the Train Raiders crew. This week, we have a very underappreciated buccaneer, but the Hovertrain crew would be sunk without him.
We’re going to throw you for a loop on this pick, but he’s just too fantastic not to join our ragtag crew! Even better, he’s a slam-dunk choice for anyone building a more traditional ship-faring pirate troupe.
So, today’s 3D-printed miniature comes courtesy of clever creator CobraMode! This underestimated platypus comes from their Pirates of the Boondaburra Part 1 set. Pretty epic sculpt, right?!
Resident painter Kimmy Utah put the finishing touches on our platypus pal. In the rendering above, you’ll see that he also has an octopus on his back. We opted not to include that piece as our pirate is a train raider rather than a scallywag of the high seas. The STL doesn’t have it all as one piece so we can drop his octopus counterpart on the miniature depending on the campaign setting.
So, the water vibe makes total sense here, with him being a platypus and all. The Forgotten Rails Hovertrains are an extremely complex technology that utilizes a mysterious material called Corederite.
The Hovertrain’s engine can get insanely hot, and its Constructs are known to cool it down by dousing the fuel with periodic buckets of water. So, if the Train Raiders have nabbed a Hovertrain, the Pirate Captain sends this little guy to the front to ensure the engine keeps humming along.
Next, let’s drop some details on this wacky crewman and get it ready for action!
We found some interesting stat links for when we build out all our crew monster stats, but these will be a good reference later.
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