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Those city streets become treacherous paths when the sun drops on Waterdeep!
CMM blows us away with these 3D-print, single-piece carts that fill your town square with glee.
The first sign that Constructs might actually be on the Sword Coast comes to light!
Is that a fountain one big continuous mug of ale or did the water guys just get cute? Taste test time!
We’ve got another NPC to add to our bustling city of Waterdeep, and we think he deserves a spot in your town, too
This Grav Loader by EC3D Designs is the perfect piece of DnD scatter terrain for your local gnome tinkerer.
Time to meet the third member of our Hovertrain Pirate Crew – the Ale Man!
Not all farm animals are cute and cuddly. In fact, some are downright mean once they get their undead on.
Forgetting to check for traps or blowing the roll has consequences, people! Sorry, not sorry.
He talks loudly and carries a big stick and he’s at a loss for words soooooo…
So mysterious. Go on and touch it. You know you want to. Sideview 1. Backside. Sideview 2. Artist Rendering.
This week’s Miniature Monday features a loveable, classic miniature – the one and only Bilbo Baggins!
Sometimes scatter terrain can just speak to you – as in get this sliced and printed, stat!
The Forgotten Rails Hovertrain offers “animal” transport services so it’s time to start populating the Livestock car!
Liquids of any sort can really liven up your DnD game so why not 3D print a couple mighty tanks to hold all that goop?!
When you absolutely, positively have to get that precious liquid safely to its next destination.
Who said you can’t give your roaming Carnival wagon a little extra lift and style?
Not to be outdone by the Wizard, our Hovertrain’s financier decided he needed his own security entourage!
Doesn’t seem like he wants a cracker. Better run.
Kinda, Sorta Portal’s second entry is in the books and Boris the Bruiser doesn’t seem happy about it!