5 January 2024
Time to bring some funk into this club and highlight a miniature that may not fall under the traditional monsters like goblins, orcs, kobolds, etc.
Thusly, we’re turning to the talented crew at EC3D Designs with a Walrus Folk mini from their chilly Wilds of Wintertide set. Did we have any Walrus warriors in our library prior to this post? No. Do we want more now? Yes!
There’s just so much to unpack here! The armor is on point. The slashing weapons mean business. The skulls of his previous foes are…concerning. Those abs are six-pack-plus material. And that face…boy oh boy, do we just adore the facial expression on this Odobenus Rosmarus.
And the miniature details on our subarctic soldier are just as delicious from the back. The bone holding all his gear together was an especially nice touch. Even better news – there’s another Walrus Folk variation in this series so we’re looking forward to sharing that long-toothed fella with you in the future.
So this maniacal mammal got us to thinkin’…has DM Ben ever even come across a Walrus race or monster in a prior campaign? Sadly, that answer is no but now we certainly need to brush up on these wrinkled-skinned warriors.
If you’re looking to utilize this marvelous mini as an NPC or character, we found this helpful Reddit post on Warrior Walrusfolk. The write-up by “Old Gus” was really well done so there’s plenty to chew on here.
DM Ben’s plan though is to print up like six or eight of these guys (split between EC3D Designs’ two STL variations so he needs a monster stat block. The tricky part here is all our web searches kept giving us the more traditional walrus monster and not our two-legged combatants.
So user “Zehzik” in the Milestone Heroes Discord suggested utilizing the stats from this Loxodon Cleric and doing a little tweaking. We also found this Loxodon Warrior and Loxodon Sergeant which are a bit more beefy.
But then Milestone Heroes founder, Andrew, gave us the proper search term of “Thanoi Warrior” which led us to the perfect DnD 5E stat block from “heathsmith’s Monstrous Compendiums” over at GM Binder. Just do a browser page find using the term “walrus” to get to this tusk-tacular stat block!
And just like that you’re ready to drop this EC3D Design’s miniature into a future campaign!
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