20 October 2023
Sometimes we like to use Fridays to just spread the word on fun, lil’ tidbits that we’ve recently come across. Stuff that is definitely D&D blog-worthy but just not enough juicy details to crank out a deeper-look article. Let’s take a look!
We do a lot of research to ensure our posts include plenty of handy links and reference material for you to enjoy. Often, that combing of websites gets our pocketbook in trouble because we can’t help but buy many of those newly discovered products. And that certainly was the case with this NPC Pack by Deck of Stories.
The artwork is quirky but in a cool way and there’s plenty of diversity in the NPCs themselves. From a Construct to Cat Folk, you’ll have everything you need race-and-class-wise at your fingertips (thanks to 18 different cards to a pack).
Where the wagon wheel really hits the road is the back of each card and the perfectly organized traits. You get a personality overview, a skill or trade, a flaw, a goal, and even a secret. They’re really well thought out and you can tell a DM or two was on their creative team.
If you recall, we’ll actually be using these fine NPC cards in our upcoming encounter for the accompanying “red shirt” road travelers. DM Ben isn’t expecting a lot of interaction with these guys so that can only mean the party will certainly fixate on a few of them.
Next up, the marvelous crew over at Humble reminded us about their current offering: Dungeons & Monsters 3D Printable Tabletop Bundle. The heads-up was greatly appreciated as we sometimes miss these high-value offerings.
You can do a 9-item version, a 55-STL version, or an all-in 161 Bundle. We always go for the max offering as it truly is the best bang for your printer buck. Even better, a portion of the proceeds go to charity and at press time, Humble had already raised $4,400+!
We already downloaded quite a few of the STLs for some mini resin printing this weekend. There’s a really nice sampling of Egyptian-style figs in this one and those will mesh nicely with our large tomb gameboard. Plus, there were very few duplicates from this bundle and past ones.
So what does your current print plan look like? If you’re low on STL ideas, 3DRPG wholeheartedly recommends this latest 3D Print Humble Bundle. You’ll love it!
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