22 February 2024
Today’s DnD Blog post is just a reminder to peruse your existing game inventory of goodness from time to time as there are probably some hidden gems you’ve inadvertently forgotten. Let’s look at an oldie but a goodie…
Lonnnnng before the 3D Printer revolution in our beloved RPG hobbies, there was The Miniature Building Authority. BensRPGPile used to stop at their Gen Con booth every year and just be mesmerized by their village displays. DM Ben still uses many of their fine buildings in his DnD sessions these days.
So DM Ben was rifling through his RPG boxes in the garage the other day and these old, fantastic fences caught his eye! They had fallen out of his scatter terrain inventory memory. Now, of course, you can print fences from talented creators like Infinite Dimensions Games but sometimes, it’s just nice to put an old nostalgia piece back into play.
So we can certainly make great use of these fences for gameboard scenes centered around Huckle Riverstone’s farm! This extra scatter “frames in” any of those scenes and further helps convey an overall farm vibe.
We shared an upcoming Giant Centipede encounter the other day and DM Ben is going to use several of these nifty fences for that battle. He also has this awesome ground-opening tile from the Milestone Heroes Exterior Barrow Mounds set that he can reuse (to show where the Centipede entered).
So the moral of this post is just don’t put a lot of pressure on yourself to always print new pieces for an upcoming encounter. Sometimes it’s better to pause, take a step back and just review your existing collection. 🙂
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