11 September 2023
Our 3DRPG crew takes every opportunity to sneak in a Saturday Night Live reference but don’t let our silly humor overshadow this legit mini from EC3D Designs!
This Hawk Warrior is from a Kickstarter favorite of ours – Empire of the Scorching Sands. We’ve featured countless prints from it on our Facebook group as this superb set fits perfectly into our Egyptian, tomb raider game board.
All the pieces in this sandy set are supportless so you can just chill while your FDM or resin printer does all the dirty work. Before 3DRPG got its Mars Pro 3 resin printer dialed in, we had already printed the majority of the Scorching Sands set on our Prusa Mini without any issues – just go with a high infill so that your mini has enough weight to it.
This particular explorer has a pile of detail so you can really pull multiple, colorful paint choices into it including his baggy pants, long bow, quiver of arrows, and of course, that epic falcon on his arm.
So what’s the story with this particular guy? Friend or foe? Someone make an Insight check!
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