24 September 2024
All aboard for another weekly installment of Train Tuesday as we showcase a free download that we’ve lovingly named “The Pulverizer!” This non-stop Construct has one job: to bust out as many Corederite mineral rocks as quickly and efficiently as possible. Come on, join us! It’s hammer time!
As we’ve explained in previous DnD blog entries, Corederite Glass is a rock that eventually drops from roaming Stone Scar Elementals. It’s fused with co-founder Leeland Farce’s mysterious arcane magic to create the propellant fuel that powers the mighty Forgotten Rails’ hovertrain engines! And Waterdeep’s new rail line needs a bunch of this material to fulfill its mass transit vision.
So, while plenty of methods and workers continue to collect fallen C-glass from these special lumbering earth elementals, 3M co-founders want to build up their fuel reserves to ensure continuous service for their daily paying passengers. Recently, two key deposits have been discovered in the Sword and Greypeak mountainous regions. Now, the trick is to extract Corederite rocks safely and economically.
We are constantly on the lookout for new Construct 3D prints that we can integrate into our super fun hovertrain setting. During some casual Patreon scrolling, we found this nifty free model by mz4250, dubbed the “Duergar Hammerer.” The sculpt is perfect – one arm is the mighty hammer to break away the stone, and the other implement is a big ol’ claw to pick the Corederite up or pry it from its rocky base. Can you picture this guy swinging away in a mine non-stop?
As usual, novice painter DM Ben took a shot at coloring these roving robots. Army Painter metallic Speedpaints do most of the heavy lifting here, though. We call this 24-7 Construct miner “The Pulverizer.” Aren’t they great? We think they fill the mineral hunter role perfectly. The blue indicates that the machine is active and ready to receive marching orders. The mithril-ish silver represents a rare metallic alloy that is incredibly sharp and resistant to dullness, and The Pulverizer uses all three of these tools to get the job done.
One tricky thing about this resin print is that clay can inadvertently snap off while removing the supports. We can’t stand throwing 3D prints away, so we still painted those cleanup mishaps. We’ll explain to the players that this particular robot can attach other implements to its non-hammer arm…much like the beloved Critical Role’s Fresh Cut Grass character. Thus, that other arm could be a grappling hook, drill, or even a flame thrower, etc.
There you have it! Another miniature and personality for The Forgotten Rails. Your DnD world continues to seamlessly merge with the Steampunk world! Ain’t life grand? 😉
Until next time!
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