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Mysterious urns fill your treasure room conquest! Now the big question is who is going to open ’em?
The captured prisoners are on the move to Waterdeep! Let’s build the campfire scene!
Is any scatter terrain safe these days? Definitely not when it comes to a pirate’s life on the high seas.
It’s dark wash time and you won’t believe the difference this little liquid makes!
The next round is on EC3D Designs and their freebie download from Bolts and Brimstone!
DM Ben shows you how to use a series of skill checks to ultimately escape!
The grass actually is always greener when you spin up some new plants by FPR!
The Lost Mines of Phandelver DnD 5e module just wasn’t cutting it. See why and how we’re transitioning!
You’ll think twice before every hopping around a swamp with freaks like this lurking below!
We got a cleanup on aisle five as we knock out some small tasks for upcoming encounters including a dog from Brite Minis!