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It’s finally time to introduce The Forgotten Rails’ very first Construct into the game! Meet TK421, also known as Tech!
Turtleborn Pirates are some of the toughest sailors on the sea thanks to that hard shell!
What on earth is your local gnome tinkerer up to now?!
This Grav Loader by EC3D Designs is the perfect piece of DnD scatter terrain for your local gnome tinkerer.
Time to meet the third member of our Hovertrain Pirate Crew – the Ale Man!
The Forgotten Rails Hovertrains need easy access to refueling and this 3D-print fits perfectly with the campaign setting.
Time to start introducing the crew behind the infamous pirate band out to plunder The Forgotten Rails!
A Gnome Tinkerer’s most heinous invention. What could possibly go wrong?
It’s our first installment of Scatter Chatter here at 3DRPG. This week’s entries had us at velvet.
This week’s Miniature Monday installment includes a pair of formidable tigers to your game table!