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A viper is bad enough but throw the word “ambush” in there and now you’re just being a mean DM!
This 3D-printed wandering lurker monster needs some stats, tactics…and a few adventurers to charm.
Nothing stands in the way of knowledge, especially when it comes to this inquisitive giant.
Oh da horror this Hook Clacker shall bring the next time the party delves deeper into those mysterious caves.
Two perfectly fine heroes for your next adventure thanks to EC3D Designs.
Hey Bard! Strike up a tune while I drop an arrow right between that one’s eyes!
Sometimes, a man’s best friend just needs a little rescuing and TLC…even if he’s on a Wandering Monster table.
Looks like you’ve got a couple of uninvited, bickering guests and an off-course axe to contend with!
Time to turn to a classic wandering monster that fits both indoor and outdoor unexpected visitors.
Gnome Tinkerers always need a little extra muscle to protect their shop.