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Leave it to the talented Schlossbauer to turn an innocent holiday into an absolute nightmare.
Rats fall in that foe category so you might as well print a whole squad of them for your next DnD sewer encounter!
Your next DnD encounter should include a taste of garlic and this unexpected NPC. Plus, can you really ever have enough garlic?
Have you already used a few of our Wilderness Wandering Monsters? Good news – we have an additional entry for you to slot in!
Can you really ever have enough monster mushroom miniatures? No. No, you cannot.
If the Loxodon Cleric doesn’t have something up his truck, we’re in some big trouble here!
A DM Ben reminder on this Miniature Monday that things aren’t always what they seem.
The groovy brush strokes just keep on a comin’ as we share our fourth paint guide installment for The Forgotten Rails!
One is taking a snack break while the other readies a spell – typical Kobolds, right?!
Nobody panic but I think those three normal-looking barrels in the corner just winked at us!