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The Forgotten Rails hired Dwarven Path Finders to chart its inaugural hovertrain routes. Meet our new NPC!
What.On.Earth.Is.That? There’s nothing wrong with a little full party retreat once in a while.
Hear ye, hear ye! By order of the king, you are to print these Cast n Play Town Criers ASAP!
Myconid Mushrooms get a bad rap as angry and evil but alas, the rumors are true.
We needed a local cleric NPC in Waterdeep and felt this fella fit the collar.
Animals are often overlooked in one’s DnD game. Time to print some up and try one of our suggested one-shots!
Unfortunately, your party has wandered right into a curse! And we’ve got the perfect miniature and encounter for it!
Never a doubt that Hippos would be cranky warriors and all business, right?
It just wouldn’t be a “proper” post if we didn’t include a fancy pants noble option for your NPC library.
No one wants to mess with a honey badger, let alone an upright one with a big ol’ axe on its shoulder!