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This 3D-printed wandering lurker monster needs some stats, tactics…and a few adventurers to charm.
We’re not exactly which of the eyes we should look at when speaking to this freak of nature but…ya know.
An arrow coming right for my head, that’s what’s up! So now even bunnies are after us?! What happened to cute and cuddly?
War drums begin to sound inside your dungeon! Can you resist their call, or did you just become charmed for the cause?!
Trolls have feelings too, ya know…but they will also rip all your arms and legs off.
No one said the job was glorious…but it’s a living.
Bug problems, am I right? Anyone recommend a good exterminating adventure crew?
Meet Sister Mary Francis! As a member of the Soul Finders, she continuously wanders dungeons for her next victim.
Sure, their movement speed is lower but lots of tude in those shells of theirs so tread carefully, my friends.
It’s been thirty…make that zero days since our last accident. Unpredictable gnomes, man. It’s a thing.