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The crew calls him “Crackers” but there’s nothin’ funny about the Captain’s first mate!
There are faces poking through this devil’s tummy. Not good. Not good at all.
One Ogre – not good. A warband of Ogres – especially bad.
In between combat, he really enjoys a good book (on how to fight better).
Ladies and gentlemen, we have liftoff. It’s super bad for us but we have liftoff nonetheless.
[while tugging on your shoulder] Ummmmm, this looks bad. Now what?
What do you get when you cross a human with a boar? A frickin’ awesome 3D-print!
Another early Mechanical spotted in the wild. Tread carefully – very temperamental!
Treants are baaaaad news and Cast n Play made sure to convey that in this amazing STL.
Meet Waterdeep’s newest NPC and skilled tradesman for hire!