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Bats…why did it have to be bats? Because DMs are menacing individuals…that’s why.
Why do trees have to be so mean and why are all these various stick thugs out to get us?!
Hey Bard! Strike up a tune while I drop an arrow right between that one’s eyes!
Sometimes, a man’s best friend just needs a little rescuing and TLC…even if he’s on a Wandering Monster table.
We think it’s fair to say that you don’t like the Otyugh and it doesn’t like you.
Looks like you’ve got a couple of uninvited, bickering guests and an off-course axe to contend with!
What’s worse than hearing unknown thumps in the distance? Finding out its an Orc drummer.
Time to turn to a classic wandering monster that fits both indoor and outdoor unexpected visitors.
Mondays? Am I right?
Yet another new Wilderness Trek Wandering Monster table entry for thee! Take cover!