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Gnome Tinkerers always need a little extra muscle to protect their shop.
Suddenly, the sound of rattling chains rushes towards your resting spot! What’s coming a wanderin’ this time?
The desert is an unforgiving place…especially when you intrude on a resident’s turf!
So many fun details in these models! Sideview 1. Backside. Sideview 2. Artist rendering.
Let’s build our Dungeon Delve table further with some wandering monsters of the heavily armored kind!
Better sleep with one eye open on that long rest! You might get a ghost to contend with!
Another Wandering Monster entry! Got any twine…how about a couple firecrackers? Any lock picks or empty vials I can buy?
Boy, those dwarves share can make some weird things when it comes to mining.
Sit up straight! No talking! Form a line! Better listen up or this orphanage Nun by STL Miniatures is going to tell you what time it is.
Time for another wandering Bunker Buster in our ongoing dark dungeon monster series…who has the first watch?!