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Miniatures come in all shapes and sizes so it’s a refreshing change to print these comics-style STLs by StoneKing.
The captured prisoners are on the move to Waterdeep! Let’s build the campfire scene!
The next round is on EC3D Designs and their freebie download from Bolts and Brimstone!
You’ll think twice before every hopping around a swamp with freaks like this lurking below!
We got a cleanup on aisle five as we knock out some small tasks for upcoming encounters including a dog from Brite Minis!
Fair to say we all need a mechanical butler in our lives, so print out this footman and let the pampering begin!
Nothing worse than an aggressive frog so someone better step in and slow this toad’s roll.
You know it’s bad when even the rug wants to destroy you!
Man’s best friend just got another set of perfect support-less miniatures thanks to Brite Minis.
Can you imagine what a pedicure runs this Grabbler?!