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If there was ever a reason to dislike the color purple, well…here it is.
Go invisible or go home, right?
We never met a piece of wardrobe furniture we liked and that trend continues thanks to this fink.
The crew calls him “Crackers” but there’s nothin’ funny about the Captain’s first mate!
There are faces poking through this devil’s tummy. Not good. Not good at all.
One Ogre – not good. A warband of Ogres – especially bad.
In between combat, he really enjoys a good book (on how to fight better).
Ladies and gentlemen, we have liftoff. It’s super bad for us but we have liftoff nonetheless.
[while tugging on your shoulder] Ummmmm, this looks bad. Now what?
What do you get when you cross a human with a boar? A frickin’ awesome 3D-print!