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Zing boom tararrel, sing out a print of good cheer (or an unsuspecting assault by a monster).
What do you get when you cross a support-free Demon mini with a Ogre Mercenary mini? Trouble.
He’s no thug – just a misunderstood lad trying to survive and escape this hard life.
Animals make for great D&D side quests so as a DM, your minis library needs to be fully stocked for duty.
This is what happens when you don’t send in your stealthy rogue first for a traps check!
Perfectly normal til you get real close…then we advise you to run.
Mimics are like college mascots to us here at 3DRPG. We love (and want) them all.
A little dab of this and a little dab of that, with a big stir here and a subtle stir there…
We sneak in Monty Python references any chance we can but let’s learn more…
See how this perfectly-suited wandering monster mini can make an impact on your next surprise encounter.