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Let’s meet our newest spellcasting NPC and the fab miniature that goes with his arcane skills that pay the bills!
We bless these sacred STLs in the name of the printer, the filament and the host with the most.
The Forgotten Rails founding engineer built a single Construct bodyguard to ensure others keep their distance.
Nobody likes townsfolk bullies but they sure are fun to drop into your next town encounter!
A pair of twins (aka “The Brothers Grimm”) join our rag-tag pirate crew!
Meet Vellynne Harpell! Part of the Arcane Brotherhood from the DnD Campaign Rime of the Frostmaiden!
Use your knees, compose yourself, and then launch that boulder towards your enemies! Just don’t throw angry!
Sorry, you’ll have to take your complaints to the King…or Kings as it were.
Every cat needs a best friend so spin up this adorable feline up for your next DnD Familiar!
If a DnD monster has multiple tails, we’re all in on 3D Printing it for our game…and so should you.