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I don’t know, I still think we can take it…but you go first. 😉
It’s finally time to introduce The Forgotten Rails’ very first Construct into the game! Meet TK421, also known as Tech!
How about some free Wereboar soldiers to liven up your next outdoor exploration encounter?
Something tells us this cursed musician doesn’t take requests…or does he?! Let’s build an encounter around our newest NPC!
Turtleborn Pirates are some of the toughest sailors on the sea thanks to that hard shell!
Every DnD tavern needs a mysterious man in the corner! Time to meet Darkfall!
No one wants to run into slimes and oozes but they’re a staple in any DnD wandering monster table.
Fair to say that 3DRPG is obsessed with all things mushroom for our TTRPG adventures and we love this big hitter!
Time for the 3DRPG team to recharge & get ahead on some paint projects. We’ll be back at it on 12-1. Happy Thanksgiving!
A mysterious figure holds the keys to the dungeon. Time for a brilliant slight of hand check, ey Rogue?!