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Stare at the hole in the ground as long you want but we still gotta draw straws to see who goes first.
Another Bunker Buster joins our 3D-printed Dungeon Delve Wandering Monster table!
Mondays? Am I right?
Yet another new Wilderness Trek Wandering Monster table entry for thee! Take cover!
Gnome Tinkerers always need a little extra muscle to protect their shop.
Suddenly, the sound of rattling chains rushes towards your resting spot! What’s coming a wanderin’ this time?
The desert is an unforgiving place…especially when you intrude on a resident’s turf!
Three quick and easy color steps banged out as our Dungeon Ruins really start to take shape!
So many fun details in these models! Sideview 1. Backside. Sideview 2. Artist rendering.
Let’s build our Dungeon Delve table further with some wandering monsters of the heavily armored kind!