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What good is a Troll if he has no bridge to actually guard? Let’s fix that.
A little Ring a ding, ding with this fab Bellmaker’s workbench by STL Miniatures.
Could crossing our Troll’s bridge simply require a sheep as payment? Yep – it sure can!
Ahoy! Light Up Ahead!
We are obsessed with using cards for NPCs, Treasures, Items, Mission Cards, etc. Let’s explore our new fav tool to make ’em.
A full featured band for your next ruckus tavern stop. Someone get that party bard on stage!
We’re brewing up another one-shot outdoor encounter and this time, you’ll have to find a way to pay the Troll’s toll!
A traditional horse and camel are just too blahzay for CobraMode…a Yak is where it’s at!
Add an easy to print and paint piece to your next tavern and let those Bard shenanigans begin!
Avast! Coral reef on the port side. Prepare to print!