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Ever get on a floating hover train in DnD? Well, guess what?! You’re about to thanks to Aether Studios!
And then there was one! Our DnD color guide is now complete with today’s last steps!
You had us at fishing! We love, love this scatter terrain category and the Kickstarter’s stretch goals are fantastic.
Time to show you how the devil is in the details with a series of simple finishing steps!
Stare at the hole in the ground as long you want but we still gotta draw straws to see who goes first.
Gnome Tinkerers always need a little extra muscle to protect their shop.
Three quick and easy color steps banged out as our Dungeon Ruins really start to take shape!
Time to get this print airborne so we can drop in on our enemies unexpectedly.
What does one do when wandering, uninvited rats junk up your beauty sleep?
Calling all chickens! Your service is requested at the coop. Thank you.