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It takes a steady hand (and a long fuse) but the payoff from STL Miniatures is worth the big bang.
Those infamous words spoken by the late Jackie Kennedy make it a worthy print!
So you’re saying it’s a mound of corpses…it’s a corpse mound. Wait, what now?!
A bottle of red, a bottle of white…it all depends upon your (print) appetite. You know the words!
The town may be in ruins but this bell still belts out a bing and a bong like a champ!
For those times when a make-shift shelter on a long and winding road becomes a necessity.
Hooooold on – this post has gnomes and submarines? Count us in, EC3D Designs!
We’ll take two of those, and three of those, and five of those and…
Ok, ok so it’s not the infamous German WWII U-boat but it is the perfect craft to travel the ocean’s blue.
Never did this much treasure hurt so much thanks to that galloping gang at Dwarven Forge.