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Animals really don’t make the best drivers. They need a lift, and Aethier Studios is here to oblige.
The Forgotten Rails needs intermediate transport vehicles to move the valuable Corederite mined fuel for processing. Saddle up!
Doesn’t matter what level or how strong your character is, everyone wants to fall asleep on a hovertrain!
So mysterious. Go on and touch it. You know you want to. Sideview 1. Backside. Sideview 2. Artist Rendering.
Sometimes scatter terrain can just speak to you – as in get this sliced and printed, stat!
Liquids of any sort can really liven up your DnD game so why not 3D print a couple mighty tanks to hold all that goop?!
When you absolutely, positively have to get that precious liquid safely to its next destination.
Who said you can’t give your roaming Carnival wagon a little extra lift and style?
Kinda, Sorta Portal’s second entry is in the books and Boris the Bruiser doesn’t seem happy about it!
It’s random table entry 1 for our new Kinda, Sorta Portal series! Let’s get this 3D-print party started!