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Gnome Tinkerers make the best toys including this mechanized hoverbike for your riding pleasure.
No more lifting with your knees because today’s slick DnD 3D-Prints do all the heavy lifting so you don’t have to.
This Dwarven mage is short by nature but he packs a big spell punch…in a woodsy sorta way.
Hovertrains need consistent routes to run but these guys simply aren’t having it!
Not everyone survives an adventure. Better make sure you mark where you left ’em.
A DM has to start somewhere with one’s game prep, but which one is the right one?
If there was ever a reason to dislike the color purple, well…here it is.
Got a few follow-ups on a couple previously posted encounters. Let’s take a closer look at their final gameboards!
Go invisible or go home, right?
Let’s make a traveling merchant NPC encounter even better with more items up for purchase!