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Probe Droids – we love ’em & want more of ’em. Let’s get this classic Star Wars character in our DnD game!
Order up! And you better like it or Pirate Dewey Oxberger is going to introduce you to his cleaver.
Wealth just doesn’t come in the form of coins. Liquids are big business.
Fact: Hovertrains require water, so you better make sure you have the right crewman!
The Forgotten Rails founding engineer built a single Construct bodyguard to ensure others keep their distance.
A pair of twins (aka “The Brothers Grimm”) join our rag-tag pirate crew!
Mechanical monsters gonna break so your Hovertrain needs a “pit crew” area.
Welp, at least you don’t have to sit on the floor for this trip but you’ll get to know your neighbor.
Let’s unpack our newest train car for your growing Hovertrain!
Turtleborn Pirates are some of the toughest sailors on the sea thanks to that hard shell!