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We’ve got some more robotic wonders for The Forgotten Rails hovertrain DnD setting!
Meet the colorful Constructs created for a life of servitude on The Forgotten Rails hovertrain line.
The Forgotten Rails hired Dwarven Path Finders to chart its inaugural hovertrain routes. Meet our new NPC!
We’ve got a variety of mini project check-ins so enjoy this railroad buffet of goodness.
A hovertrain has to run on something, right?! Let’s take a peek behind the curtain at what powers our DnD railroad!
Let’s examine what Constructs STLs fill the role of protect and serve for The Forgotten Rails.
Grab a pair of scrubs, and let’s examine how to actually print and assemble a hovertrain car.
As our Hovertrain chugs towards its printing debut, let’s look at all the cool train car options by Aether Studios!
We’re officially naming our hovertrain railway system, unveiling its new fancy logo, and building out our first cast of characters!
All aboard our new weekly series as we build out a 3D-printed hovertrain environment for your DnD campaign!