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Come on – that whole “my word is binding” is nonsense, right? Best to sign on the dotted line.
The next time someone tells you a Clay Golem is no big deal, just tell him to go first in the marching order.
Monkey (check), Cannonballs (check). Pirate (check). Any questions?
Look, these dishes aren’t gonna clean themselves so grab a rag and hop to it, mister!
It takes a steady hand (and a long fuse) but the payoff from STL Miniatures is worth the big bang.
Oh swamp thing – you make my heart sing. You make everything groovy.
Never ever, ever underestimate a gnome tinkerer’s twisted mind of metal and gears.
If there ever was a monster to represent DnD minis for 2023, it would be the beloved Owlbear, right?!
Those infamous words spoken by the late Jackie Kennedy make it a worthy print!
We printed a walrus – “goo goo g’joob!” How might this mammal fit in your DnD game?