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We just couldn’t resist the Pink Floyd pun here.
The Forgotten Rails Hovertrain lines are not without peril! We need a random table to accommodate long rests and extended travel.
An angry goose with a single head is bad enough, but three heads mean we’re in for some crazy combat!
The Forgotten Rails needs intermediate transport vehicles to move the valuable Corederite mined fuel for processing. Saddle up!
Doesn’t matter what level or how strong your character is, everyone wants to fall asleep on a hovertrain!
So mysterious. Go on and touch it. You know you want to. Sideview 1. Backside. Sideview 2. Artist Rendering.
This week’s Miniature Monday features a loveable, classic miniature – the one and only Bilbo Baggins!
Sometimes scatter terrain can just speak to you – as in get this sliced and printed, stat!
The Forgotten Rails Hovertrain offers “animal” transport services so it’s time to start populating the Livestock car!
Liquids of any sort can really liven up your DnD game so why not 3D print a couple mighty tanks to hold all that goop?!