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Roote Rallascant and his giant hamster are pleased to meet you in our next Wilderness Wandering Monster installment!
Sometimes, a man’s best friend just needs a little rescuing and TLC…even if he’s on a Wandering Monster table.
Looks like you’ve got a couple of uninvited, bickering guests and an off-course axe to contend with!
Time to turn to a classic wandering monster that fits both indoor and outdoor unexpected visitors.
Another Bunker Buster joins our 3D-printed Dungeon Delve Wandering Monster table!
Yet another new Wilderness Trek Wandering Monster table entry for thee! Take cover!
Suddenly, the sound of rattling chains rushes towards your resting spot! What’s coming a wanderin’ this time?
Let’s build our Dungeon Delve table further with some wandering monsters of the heavily armored kind!
What does one do when wandering, uninvited rats junk up your beauty sleep?
Better sleep with one eye open on that long rest! You might get a ghost to contend with!