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Egyptian guards may be cursed and outright evil but they sure turn out swell on a resin printer.
See how some quick “dress rehearsals” for your upcoming encounters can help increase DM confidence and lessen stress!
Well, at least the room will be will lit so you can see exactly when his sword pierces your armor. 😉
We finish out two more NPC builds that you could most certainly add to your own game!
We’re soooooo into printing and painting a Greek soldier army these days. Those red cloaks and distinct helmets simply call to us!
Let’s pick some scatter terrain and make a DnD 5e skill challenge to go with our farmer encounter.
Every pirate crew needs a Turtlefolk buccaneer on its deck!
Don’t even think of calling this freak of a reaper ordinary! It’s time for another one-shot!
This big fella puts that whole “protect and serve” motto to an entirely new level.
Showcasing one of our favorite WizKids Spelljammer miniatures because well, it just cracks us up.