3 March 2025
Time is tight on this crazy Monday as we were silly enough to run some Windows updates here at 3DRPG Studios, and they took forever! Nothing a little new NPC cheer can’t fix, though!
Since our work campaign acquired their first Bastion by overtaking the Night Hag’s cabin in the High Forest, they will likely look to build their new-found compound into a sprawling home base. That means they’ll need some pretty skilled tradesmen to do all the heavy lifting, and that is our reason for Waterdeep’s newest NPC today.
We fell in love with this great Stone Carver Set by STL Miniatures and snatched it up for a steal using a holiday MMF discount code last December. There are some really fun pieces here, and we’re looking forward to ultimately showing off many more as our painters get their brushes on ’em.
Today, we’ll focus on this big beast of a man, as he seems like the leader of the bunch. Plus, we just really liked his DnD sculpt. We figured the group would meet with him first to discuss the job, giving us time to paint some other pieces from the rest of the set.
Sunrise Sven heeded the coloring call and put brush to mini for us. His choice of colors really made the details pop on this model. We especially love the big boots and Hulk Hogan hair vibes. He’s the last dude you want to stiff on a job.
Once again, we utilized a clear base (for simplicity’s sake) so we can see the terrain underneath him.
Next, let’s drop some details on Waterdeep’s best mason man!
Sorta all rolls off the tongue, right? Plus, we always love to do NPC and Shop names that are a bit tongue in cheek.
He’ll still need a face card and some scatter terrain, but we’ll save that for later!
Until next time!
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