13 March 2025
We got halfway through our random d20 Great Cavern Escape table yesterday with ten fun-filled encounters. Let’s finish this bad boy off today with the remaining ten!
Today’s remaining table rows will be another mix of combat and non-combat. Be sure to read Part One of this two-part post so you have all the juicy details, as we’re jumping right into row eleven.
Cave-dig 11: Empty/Fallen Adventurer. We have a few of these entries on this random table because the 5e module notes that several rescue parties went into the Fissure before our adventurers, not to mention that they are in perilous terrain known for its recent earthquakes. The same Investigation notes from entry 11.
This was some scratch scatter terrain that DM Ben put together from his bit box.
Cave-in 12: Otyugh. This time, the group bumps into a cranky large aberration: AC 14, HP 114, Bite (+6 att, 2d8+3 damage), Tentacles x2 (+6 att, 1d8+3 damage), and a reach of 10 ft. This monster is probably the worst one the players could draw from the table (in DM Ben’s humble opinion).
We’re using a WizKids pre-painted Otyugh Beholder miniature from their Giants of Legend set.
Cave-in 13: The Way Out. Success! Lucky 13 has to be the roll that frees the group from the Fissure, right?! The players have found a cavern wall doing double duty as a cellar wall. We wrote a fun Seaside Storage Room post the other day, so check that out if you need a better hook, gameboard details, etc.
Cave-in 14: Valuable Mineral Deposit. This time, the players discover a valuable silver vein, some of which can indeed be harvested with a Survival roll. The players get one shot at it but could score advantage based on descriptive tactics or creative gear uses. DM Ben wants to keep it simple:
Gotta give the group a crack at a nice little treasure haul.
Cave-in 15: Cave-in Trap. Uh-oh. Looks like the groups frantic digging and poking went a bit too far. All players will take 3d6 points of damage and one level of exhaustion, or half on a DC 13 Reflex save (with no level of exhaustion).
Cave-in 16: Goblin Illusion. All this continuous physical exertion is starting to get the best of the players. They’re starting to see things. DM Ben wants to give them a brief adrenaline rush by dropping down a swarm of Goblin miniatures on the table. However, they realize they’re just fighting an illusion when they take their first swing.
These are all Pathfinder Battles goblins with one Wizkids undead mixed in for flair.
Cave-in 17: Rat Attack. Time for another monster. This time, we’re going with a large rat: AC 12, HP 7, Bite (+4 att, 1d4+2 damage), and DC 10 Constitution or contract disease. Nothing crazy here – think New York City momma rat.
This metal rat miniature is by Dwarven Forge and comes from their Monster Sewers set.
Cave-in 18: Empty/Fallen Adventurers. This time, it’s a group of fallen explorers who perished together. DM Ben will let them do two Investigation checks and potentially draw two treasure cards.
Cave-in 19: Spores Trap. The overwhelming, sudden oxygen inflow causes the Mushrooms to expand rapidly and burst (like an overinflated balloon). This mushroom pop releases an odd yellow gas cloud, requiring a DC 14 Constitution save for each player. Anyone who fails will quickly see a yellow rash form on its arms. He/she has suffered “the Banana Man curse.” This means you have a 50% chance to hallucinate at the start of any future combat. Fail that roll, and you think become a Banana Man until that combat ends.
This mushroom 3D Print is by Printable Scenery and is from their Swamp Plants set.
Side note: If you want a fun mushroom-type and effects table, check out this d100 table by
Cave-in 20: Lost Party Person & Magic Item Reward. We’ve saved the best for last by rewarding the players with a +1 Dagger. The group finds a trapped adventurer who thought he was doomed. Fillius Flitwick is so grateful that he hands the players this custom-made dagger that has been in his family for generations.
We’re using a WizKids pre-painted Lantern Bearer miniature from their Underdark set.
And just like that, we got ourselves a d20 random table (in two parts) for escaping an underground cavern.
Until next time!
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