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Monkey (check), Cannonballs (check). Pirate (check). Any questions?
Look, these dishes aren’t gonna clean themselves so grab a rag and hop to it, mister!
It takes a steady hand (and a long fuse) but the payoff from STL Miniatures is worth the big bang.
Oh swamp thing – you make my heart sing. You make everything groovy.
Never ever, ever underestimate a gnome tinkerer’s twisted mind of metal and gears.
If there ever was a monster to represent DnD minis for 2023, it would be the beloved Owlbear, right?!
Those infamous words spoken by the late Jackie Kennedy make it a worthy print!
We printed a walrus – “goo goo g’joob!” How might this mammal fit in your DnD game?
So you’re saying it’s a mound of corpses…it’s a corpse mound. Wait, what now?!
A bottle of red, a bottle of white…it all depends upon your (print) appetite. You know the words!