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Is that a fountain one big continuous mug of ale or did the water guys just get cute? Taste test time!
We’ve got another NPC to add to our bustling city of Waterdeep, and we think he deserves a spot in your town, too
This Grav Loader by EC3D Designs is the perfect piece of DnD scatter terrain for your local gnome tinkerer.
Time to meet the third member of our Hovertrain Pirate Crew – the Ale Man!
Not all farm animals are cute and cuddly. In fact, some are downright mean once they get their undead on.
Forgetting to check for traps or blowing the roll has consequences, people! Sorry, not sorry.
He talks loudly and carries a big stick and he’s at a loss for words soooooo…
When it comes to protecting the sanctity of mead, there’s only one Hovertrain car you can trust.
Sometimes the bill is mightier than the sword so tread lightly here.
Never stop and ask for directions from a traveling will-o’-wisp as these mischievous spirits thrive on confusion.