11 October 2023
Our classic outdoor travelin’ caravan gets a little closer to hitting the road every day. Let’s see what’s next on the ol’ DM checklist.
Naturally, we once again look at our open to-do’s. After all, a good DM is a focused DM, right?
It’s fun to see us getting all the closer to rounding this one out.
D&D road warriors definitely follow a gold standard. Meaning, money talks in terms of how a character will ultimately travel from point A to point B. Today we’re going to highlight the preferred mode of transport for the dastardly Sir Mimford Fugelfort of NewCastle Imports Exports. He’s alllllll about style and…security.
As 3DRPG Printers, it’s always our job to fully embrace the print for our D&D campaigns. Try to use some of those model details to expand your encounter plot and descriptions. DM Ben will even use a model to pull him out of an occasional brain fog as a way to remember some of the encounter’s game plan.
For example, Fugelfort is no dummy. He knows his ruthless trading tactics have put a bit of a target on his back so he always provides several layers of insulation between himself and his enemies. That’s why he has the interior decked out with extra touches like several inches of steel between him and the driver.
Another reason this particular cart Loot Studios is perfect here is all the gear on it! Mimford is the CEO of one of the largest trading companies on this side of the ocean. He’s always taking something somewhere (for a little extra coin in his pocket of course). All these different containers and sacks may offer clues to what he’s up to next. They might also take a ho-hum investigation check and add a little extra flair to the search results. Remember that fun list of items we came up with during our caravan camel post?
This terrain piece originally had a bit of a traveling cook or meals on wheels vibe but maybe our primary NPC repossessed it after a failed payment. And then he was so impressed by the goblin’s build skillz that he decided to convert into his latest mode of transportation. That’s the sign of a good STL btw – can it be adapted into multiple uses and encounters? If the answer is yes, you should print it. 😉
The roof comes off and has enough for a single, standard d20 fig or for a few small ones. DM Ben is thinking of putting a tough, higher-level bodyguard hidden inside the wagon in the event the wagon gets compromised (think some sorta Goliath or Barbarian but super intimidating like “The Mountain” from Game of Thrones).
While our behemoth fighter keeps the party occupied, Fuglefort will use an invisibility scroll and a potion of speed to quickly slip away from the group.
As far as what will pull this wagon, we’ll share some options in next week’s WIP Wednesday installment!
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