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Yikes. The party has run into the wrong wandering monster! Time to be brave!
It appears you’re an uninvited guest and about to be bounced right out of this tomb!
Every campaign ultimately needs a scarecrow encounter…and now you’ve got the perfect mini from Loot Studios!
What’s worse than hearing unknown thumps in the distance? Finding out its an Orc drummer.
Time to turn to a classic wandering monster that fits both indoor and outdoor unexpected visitors.
The desert is an unforgiving place…especially when you intrude on a resident’s turf!
These pack hunters aim to corner their prey and release a high-pitched howl that can neutralize spell casters!
Menacing and unforgiving, these wispy monsters fly through the air with one thing on their minds!
You know things are getting serious when the oversized Hamster makes an appearance.
You’ll think twice before every hopping around a swamp with freaks like this lurking below!